Cookie Policy
About cookies
A cookie is nothing more than a very small text file. When you visit a website, the server that hosts that site places this file on your device. The exact information stored on the cookie will vary from site to site, depending on what information is necessary for that particular viewing experience. In most cases, it will identify you in some way.
Cookies we use
Necessary cookies
Our CMS generate cookies that do not collect information from the visitor's device and typically stores the information in the form of a session identifier that does not personally identify the user. They are strictly technical cookies based on an encrypted hash that does not even need to be blocked to be GDPR compliant. Such cookies are deleted upon closing web browser.
reCAPTCHA sets a necessary cookie (_GRECAPTCHA) when executed for the purpose of providing its risk analysis.
Functional Cookies
Functional cookies are mostly used to enhance the performance of a website as without them certain functions may not be available. Functional cookies are not vital for a website to run, but they allow one to remember user preferences and settings.